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Vol. 17 (2023): Resiliencia, valor de la innovación y sostenibilidad como ejes para la competitividad ISBN 978-607-96203-0-12

Effects of an increase in Mexican strawberry exports to Canada on the profitability of producers in Mexico

February 9, 2024


The objective of this research work was to determine the viability of increasing the exported quantity of Mexican strawberries to the Canadian market. To perform this analysis, the international market was represented in a partial equi-librium model. According to the calculated price flexibility, an increase in the exported quantity of Mexican strawberries to Canada of 50% in one year would cause a positive final effect. With this estimate, it can be established that an increase in the exported quantity of Mexican strawberries to Canada of 50% in one year would be viable in the economic sense. The results showed that an increase in strawberry production to export to Canada in Michoacan and Baja California would be profitable for the producer, while an increase in strawberry production for export to the Canadian market in Guanajuato would further decrease profitability.


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